This was a very interesting chapter as it focused on the way
to change behaviors through engaging the emotions and using that to foster
change. In education we have faced many negative depictions and simplification
of our profession, which has brought about the reform movement that says that
it will hold everyone accountable while hunting down the “Bad Teachers”.
Keeping that in mind, I found it ironic that the most successful companies and
groups are shown to not use these methods, but it is expected to work in
education. On page 122 the author notes “Negative emotions tend to have a
narrowing effect on our thoughts,” which is interesting as we are trying to
think outside the box and create solutions to problems for a variety of
students and situations. As I reflect on this chapter, I realize that at
different times I have felt that the attack on teachers over the last decade
has frustrated me and made me focus too much on the barriers to change. As I
read further, I liked how it was stated that for success we need “hope and
optimism” and that will lead us to collective success. Now we can’t always
change the decisions that are made at the governmental level, but I think that
as a group we can be optimistic and have hope that we will always do the best
for our students. We do it already and I think we have to focus on the bright spots
and support each other, and through our own shared accomplishments we can show
a better way to foster creativity and success in children and adults. I plan as
my new year’s resolution to focus on the good things that are happening and
push myself to be more optimistic. I hope that by doing this I can be
energized, hopeful, and creative (p.107) when solving the many problems that we
all face.