Monday, February 15, 2016

Chapter 7 Grow Your People

Through the stories/examples in chapter 7, “Grow Your People”, these were the ideas that caught my attention:

Page 152 - “Paul Butler didn’t shrink the change. Instead, he grew the people.” I think when we are faced with a difficult task, breaking it down can be helpful. When the task or change becomes a part of who you are it can be powerful and create momentum for hard work.

Page 156 - “Identity is going to play a role in nearly every change situation.” Individuals need to take ownership of their work. When one has ownership in the process, change or learning can be more meaningful.

Page 165 - “A growth mindset compliment praises effort rather than natural skill.” I try to remember this with my students. I have learned to choose my words carefully, wanting to acknowledge the hard work and not just the finished project. Noticing each step in the process, the positives, as well as the struggles, can sometimes help students continue to strive for change and growth in different areas.

Page 168 - “But to create and sustain change, you’ve got to act more like a coach and less like a scorekeeper.”
We need to point out what is working well and keep practicing to get better or make a change.

Page 169 - “We will struggle, we will fail, we will be knocked down-but throughout, we’ll get better, and we’ll succeed in the end.” I think it is important for anyone trying to make a change to keep this in mind. Students need to know we will be there to support them.

Page 175 - “There’s no “never” at Jefferson anymore, only a “Not Yet”.” I really liked this idea. So often kids and adults get hung up on grades and not the actual learning or growth taking place. The idea of “not yet” allows one to notice that some work has been done, but the job is not over. That’s ok. Keep working.

Page 175 - “The Elephant has to believe that it’s capable of conquering the change.” The idea of confidence is an important part of making a change.